Friday 8 May 2015

OBIEE installation

OBIEE Installtion:
1.       Oracle 11g
2.       JDK version 1.6.0_35 or higher or JRockit version 6u37 R28.2.5 or higher (Not Mandatory).
3.       RCU
4.       OBIEE
1. Install database:
Go to Oracle Data base application folder, click on setup.exe
Not required  security updates, check out the instruction as below, click next

Check the skip software updates and click on next
select create and configure a database and next
Select server class and next
Select single instance database installation,next
select Advanced install
Select Language,next

Select the database edition, next
Give the path of Oracle base and software install location, here taken default values
Select Data warehousing,next
Give the database name, by default it's  orcl, you can give any name(Organization name,..etc..),next
Go to memory give the values as below,
Go to the character sets and select Unicode
Go to Security ,uncheck the asset all new security settings
Go to sample schemas, check database with sample schema
Select use oracle enterprise manager database control for database management,next
select file system, next
Select do not enable automated backups, next

Give the password for schemas by individual or single password for all schemas, next

Click on install
Provide the passwords for unlock the schemas by using password management
Click to close
RCU Installation:
Provide details as below,
host: localhost
data source name: orcl
Database user: sys
Password: Admin123
Select/Check the Oracle Business Intelligence ,next
Type the password, Admin123

OBIEE Installation:
Run the setup.exe
1.       Simple - few options, basic install for development etc
2.       Enterprise - full options, including scale-out
3.       Software Only - for deploying to existing FMW installation
Give the location /Path for obiee installation